Sunday, July 24, 2011

Herun, Land of Marshes and Mountains

Herun is a small, land-locked, very rich nation.  The land-rulers of Herun are the Morgols who are gifted with the talent of Sight, the ability to see through any object.  This gift developed during the Years of Settlement when an army from north Ymris attacked Herun with an eye towards its mines.  The Sight leaves a visible mark, the eyes of the one who possesses the Sight turn gold.

Herun is a land blessed with formidable natural defenses.  It is ringed by low, ancient mountains, and on the Herun side of the southern mountainous border lies a dangerous marsh.  Many traders and visitors to Herun have perished in this marsh because they were too impatient to wait on a guide.  The guide usually one of the Morgol's chosen guards and even sometimes the land-heir, grant passage to travelers through the marsh.  This passage and knowledge of it are a gift from the Morgol.

Beyond the marshes, lye the plains and tors of Herun.  Stone houses and small villages rise on the crests of the undulating plain.  These villages are typically huddled at the feet of stone peaks that rise sporadically from the plains.

One of the major exports of Herun is its wine, which is renowned throughout the realm of the High One.

Crown City
Crown City is the capital of the small nation of Herun.  This city is also known as the City of Circles.  The fourth Morgol Rhu planned a circle for each of the eight riddles he planned to answer.  Rhu died attempting to answer the eighth riddle, a deadly riddle about the Star-Bearer.  As a result, only seven monolithic circles exist, instead of the planned eight.  The innermost circle is a vast red circle of red upright, stones which surrounds a black oval house, the home of the Morgol.

This black oval house is built over an offshoot of the Cwill River.  The water from this river fans over stone fountains in the yard of the Morgol, forming tiny streams and pools, surrounded by trees, where vivid red, green, and gold fish swim.

The entrance to the Morgol's house are doors of silver and pale wood.  The interior arched corridors wander seemingly without plan.  The rooms are hung with delicate cloth tapestries, strange plants, rich woods and finely wrought metals.  Some rooms are hung with hangings of orange and gold and furnished with enormous cushions covered with white wool.

The central hall is a broad room that is white from floor to ceiling.  The room contains a firebed and low tables where the Morgol, her guards, and guests will dine.  The Morgol's personal table is of polished white stone.  Drinks are served in cups of silver and food on silver plates sparkling with amethyst.

Historical Morgols
The fourth Morgol to rule Herun was Dhairrhuwyth, or more simply called Rhu. He either built or designed the Crown City, also known as the City of Circles. Herun was ruled by the Morgol Ylcorcronlth, or more simply Cron, six hundred years before the start of the series.

The Land-Rulers of Herun


  • Cron - See Ylcorcronlth.
  • Dhairrhuwyth - or more simply called Rhu, was the fourth Morgol of Herun who built the circles of the City of Circles, or the Crown City. He structured the Crown City, planning a circle for each of eight riddles his curiosity set to him and he answered. His journey to answer the eighth riddle killed him. He was killed by Ghisteslwchlohm on his way to Erlenstar Mountain. His body was sent found by Danan Isig in his domain and sent home.
  • Rhu - See Dhairrhuwyth.
  • Ylcorcronlth - or more simply called Cron was the Morgol of Herun six hundred years before the start of the series. His harpist was named Tirunedeth


  • El - See Elrhiarhodan.
  • Elrhiarhodan - or more simply called El, is the current Morgol of Hed. She is a tall woman with blue-black hair drawn back from her face, that falls without a ripple.  The Morgol El is possessed of a profound inner serenity that along with her gift of Sight allows her to see straight to the truth.  The harpist Deth is her romantic interest.  He once wrote for her a beautiful wordless song.
  • Lyra - See Lyraluthuin.
  • Lyraluthuin - or more simply called Lyra, is the daughter and land-heir to the Morgol El. She is a girl of fourteen or fifteen. When Morgon first meets her she is wearing a heavy, loose coast the color of flame; with dark hair drawn back from her face, coiled in a thick braid on the crown of her head. She carries a light spear of ash and silver. She is a member of the chosen guard of the Morgol. She leads traders through the Herun marshes surrounding the Crown City. She has no siblings, though she considers the Morgol's guards her sisters; however, she does have cousins.

Minor Characters of Herun

  • Arya - She was from Herun. She is the subject of a riddle.
  • Deth - See Tirundeth.
  • Goh - She is a guard in the Morgol El's service.
  • Imer - She is a guard in the Morgol El's service.
  • Kia - She is a guard in the Morgol El's service.
  • Tirundeth - or more simply called Deth, was the harpist of the Morgol Cron six hundred years before the start of the series.
  • Trika - She is a guard in the Morgol El's service.
  • Zec of Hicon, Herun - Around one hundred years before the founding of Lungold, he did the inlay for Yrth's harp. He was trained by Sol.

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