The High One is the supreme political and spiritual leader of his Realm. He is thought by the inhabitants of his Realm to be the last of the Earth-Masters, a powerful race of shape-changers. However, this is not true, he is merely the only Earth-Master to retain his full power. His true name is Tir, and he was born thousands of years before the start of Riddle of Stars. He lived in peace with the other Earth-Masters on what would one day be known as the Wind Plain in Ymris. He had only one child, Tirnon. He was also the first, and only, Earth-Master to master the winds. It was this and his use of land-law that would allow him to defeat Eriel’s Earth-Masters. Eriel was the first to begin gathering power to herself, stripping it from the land itself. She gathered many follows including Corrig, the father of Ylon. As Eriel was the first to gather power to herself, Tir (the High One) was the first to realize the implications of power. Tir gathered many followers in opposition to Eriel’s. During the course of the Civil War that followed, later called the Earth-Masters’ War, Tirnon son was stripped of his power and died. In the end, Tir stripped the Earth-Masters’ power, leaving them little beyond what they were born with, and sealed them into the sea. This was not done without cost however, not only was Tir’s son killed but every Earth-Master child was also killed. All of Tir’s followers also perished leaving their power in the ruins of the Earth-Masters’ cities.
An unknown time later (although likely at least a thousand years), the Years of Settlement, of man, began. During this time is when Tir would become known as the High One. He sometime prior to this was told the prophecy of the Star-Bearer, his heir, from his child. Also during this time, Tir ruled directly as the High One. He was presence that could actually be reached at Erlenstar Mountain. In time, however, the Earth-Masters escaped from their prison in the sea.

The High One went into hiding. He adopted the persona of the powerful wizard Yrth. Like many the other wizards, he would take service with a land. In this case, that is Isig. Centuries before the founding of Lungold, Yrth would create his starred sword in secret. He, after its creation, entrusted the sword to his son Tirnon. One hundred years before the founding of Lungold, Yrth creates his starred harp.
"Yrth bound the pitch into those strings with his voice. There is no harp more beautiful in the
High One's realm."
“Yrth worked months on that harp, carving it, cutting the designs for the inlay; he had my craftsmen cut the ivory and set the silver and stones in it. And then he went up into the highest room in the oldest tower of Harte to tune the harp. He stayed seven days and seven nights, while I closed the forces in the yard so that the pounding wouldn't bother him. Finally, he came down and played it for us. There was no more beautiful harp in the world. He said he had taken its voices from the waters and winds of Isig. It held us breathless, the harping and the harpist... When he had finished playing, he stood still a moment, looking down at it. Then he passed the flat of his hand over the strings, and they went mute. When we protested, he laughed and said the harp would choose its own harpist. The next day he left, taking it with him. When he returned to my service a year later, he never mentioned the harp. It was as though we had all dreamed the making of it."
-Danan Isig
At the founding of Lungold, the High One, as Yrth, journeys to the School of Wizards. Unlike the other wizards, he was not under Ghisteslwchlohm’s influence. Ghisteslwchlohm would become a shield for the High One for a thousand years to come.
“Yrth was the most powerful of the wizards after the Founder."
-Astrin Ymris
The High One was careful to mask the full extent of his power. He made himself appear to be weaker than Ghisteslwchlohm. This powerful wizard was obviously not an Earth-Master. During his stay at Lungold, Yrth taught the Morgol Cron’s harpist Tirundeth much about harping.
“I took my name from the Morgol Cron's harpist Tirunedeth, who taught me the
songs of Herun. I asked him for it before he died.”
And so it is that Yrth became Deth. One hundred years after the destruction of Lungold, Deth would walk into his own chambers (the Chambers of the High One) and take service as the face of Ghisteslwchlohm, the false High One. Ghisteslwchlohm believed that this arrangement was best for the both of them, though more so for him. In reality, this was only really beneficial to Deth. He would be able to hide in plain sight from the Earth-Masters. For the next six centuries, Deth would travel the Realm acting as an ambassador to the High One. He may have studied at the College of Caithnard as he claimed. He would also play at the wedding of Morgon’s parents. And finally, fall in love with the Morgol El, whom he would write a beautiful wordless song.
The High One would meet his successor in the most unexpected of all places, the peaceful land of Hed. Three stars on Morgon’s brow were the sign of the end of an age. Deth would escort Morgon to the High One, forging bonds of love and friendship on the way and telling a number of half-truths and lies:
"I was born," the harpist said tranquilly, "not long after the founding of Lungold, a thousand
years ago."
Deth is very much older than one thousand years. He may be several millennium old. He was not born in Lungold but somewhere in what would become Ymris.
"I am not a Lungold wizard. I have never served any man but the High One. I studied awhile at the School of Wizards because I found myself growing old without aging, and I thought perhaps my father had been a wizard. I had no great gifts for wizardry so I left--that is the extent of my acquaintance with the Lungold wizards.”
Technically, Deth has never been a Lungold wizard. His power is completely based in that of an Earth-Master not a wizard. That said however, Deth did take the disguise Yrth. As Yrth, he became known as a Lungold wizard. He “studied” at the School of Wizards.
He also has served no man but the High One. In this case, this means himself and the land. Ghisteslwchlohm, the False High One, was merely a shield.
"I harped with him (Corrig) once, years ago. I met him even before I entered the High One's service.”
This is not a lie; however, the sentences after this most likely are. Deth says he encountered Corrig on a beach and harped with him. More likely, however, he harped with Corrig before the Earth-Masters’ War.
"I was there when Yrth made this harp. I heard the first song it ever played..."
Of course, this is not a lie. He, as Yrth, was there when he made his harp. He heard the first song he, himself, played.
When Ghisteslwchlohm held Morgon prisoner, torturing him, Deth played his harp for him. Here the High One is offering Morgon a choice, asking him a question. What do you value more, power or love? Fortunately, Morgon chooses right in hunting Deth instead of Ghisteslwchlohm. The very reason Deth led Morgon to Ghisteslwchlohm is for him to understand the corruption power presents.
Morgon precedes to, after his escape, tell the various land-rulers of Deth’s apparent treachery. The occupied lands become barred to Deth. Har’s wolves chase Deth from Osterland. Here in the out-lands, Raederle stumbles into Deth’s campsite.
Later, Deth flees to Anuin, the one place he thought might still be opened to him. Raederle, mistaking Morgon for Ghisteslwchlohm and Deth for Morgon, places a guard wraith Hel kings around Deth. They escort him into the halls of the palace at Anuin. This forces him into a confrontation with Morgon. Deth only escapes through one line “They were promised a man of peace.” Morgon stays his starred sword. Had Morgon attempted to carry through with the stroke, Deth may have been forced to expose himself as the High One. This would leave both himself and Morgon to the mercies of the Earth-Masters.
Ghisteslwchlohm, through a mind link formed at their meeting, locates Deth in Hel. There, they have an argument over loyalties. Ghisteslwchlohm believes Deth has some bond with the Star-Bearer, which he does. Ohm forces Deth to play a harp of black fire ruining his harpist’s hands.
Deth, as Yrth, met up with the restored wizards at the ruined School of Wizards in Lungold. They assigned, or he assigned himself, as a lookout for Ghisteslwchlohm and Morgon on the Trader’s Road. Back in his guise as Deth, Morgon is lured to him through his broken, hesitant harping. Morgon falls asleep there. Upon waking up, he finds Ghisteslwchlohm, again most likely through the link, in the campsite. Ohm takes Raederle hostage and attempts to force Deth to make a choice between her or the Morgol El as a hostage. Instead, Deth refuses and slaps Ghisteslwchlohm. In return, Ohm sends a lash of fire across Deth’s eyes to all appearances killing him.
As Yrth, he fights with the traders defending Lungold from the Earth-Masters. After Morgon takes refuge in the far north of the Realm, Yrth plays his broken, hesitant harping to draw Morgon out of hiding. Morgon is now highly suspicious of the identity of Yrth. Yrth, Morgon, and Raederle fly to Osterland. Upon flying to Herun, Yrth through his sheer power reveals himself to be an Earth-Master. At Herun, Morgon surprises Yrth in front of the Morgol El. He shows that he is Deth and the High One.
The High One disappears at Herun and journeys to the Wind Tower on the Wind Plains in Ymris. There he waits for Morgon.
“You are the Star-Bearer, the heir foreseen by the dead of Isig, for whom I have been waiting for centuries beyond hope…I have lived in secret for thousands of years with nothing to hope in but a promise. A dead child’s dream.”
-The High One
Upon Morgon’s arrival, the High One admits his reasons for his actions. Morgon is his land-heir, the future High One. He helps Morgon to learn the land-law of Ymris, the site of the ancient power of long dead Earth-Masters. Soon after, Eriel and other Earth-Masters with their puppet Ghisteslwchlohm attack the Wind Power. For a moment, the High One checks the power brought against him. However, soon they overpower him. Ghisteslwchlohm wrenches the starred sword from Morgon’s hands and stabs the High One through the heart. His last words to Morgon were “Morgon, Free the Winds.”
The High One turned into flame upon his death. Morgon then becomes the High One.