Millennia before the start of the Riddle of Stars, the Earth-Masters had a great and thriving civilization centered around what would become the land of Ymris. They mastered Earth, Fire, and Water. Tir, the High One, masters the Wind.
Millennia before the start of the Riddle of Stars, the Earth-Master Civil War occurs. The land is ruined, the Earth-Masters’ children are stripped of their power, and the great Earth-Masters’ cities fall. Tir and his followers, who died during the war, emerge victorious. Tir strips the Earth-Masters of power, leaving them with little more than they were born with, and seals them into the sea. Tir takes the dead children to Isig Mountain to give them a dying place.
Somewhere around a thousand years after the Earth-Master Civil War, the land has recovered from the devastating war.
Sometime after, the Year of Settlement of man occur. Danan Isig becomes ruler of his land and Har founds the land of Osterland. The High One rules from Erlenstar Mt. for a time. An army from North Ymris attacks Herun in an attempt to seize its mines. The Morgols’ golden eyes that allows them to see through objects begins to develop. Kale becomes the first king of An.
The Earth-Masters escape from their prison. The High One goes into hiding.
Sometime before the Founding of Lungold, The High One takes the name Yrth, poses as a wizard, and takes service with Danan Isig. Talies takes service with the kings of An and Aum. Suth takes service with and teaches Har of Osterland. Nun takes service with the kings of Hel, and Iff takes service with Morgols of Herun.
Sometime before the Founding of Lungold, Ghisteslwchlohm learns of the prophecy of the Star-Bearer from the dead children of the Earth-Masters’ beneath Isig Mountain. Upon journeying to the High One, he finds the chambers empty. He assumes the mantle of the High One.
Sometime before the Founding of Lungold, Morgol Dhairrhuwyth, or more simply Rhu, founds the Crown City, with a circle for every Star-Bearer Riddle answered. On his way to the High One to get his eighth riddle answered, Ghisteslwchlohm warps the mind of his horse killing him.
c. 1900 years before the beginning of the Riddle of Stars, Aloil takes service with the kings of Ymris. Sometime in between this and the Founding of Lungold, Caerweddin was sieged. King Galil Ymris refused to follow Aloil’s advice and as a result Aloil’s tower was burned. So Aloil made a stone in the plain above Caerweddin speak for eight days and nights in such a loud voice that men as far as Umber and Mermont heard it, and the stone recited all Galil's secret, very bad attempts at writing poetry. This was how King’s Mouth Plain got its name.
Centuries before Lungold’s founding, Yrth creates the Starred Sword. He entrusts it to his son Tirnon. Danan Isig opens the upper mines of Isig Mountain (Sol was born long after this).
1100 years before the beginning of the Riddle of Stars, Yrth creates his Starred Harp.
1000 years before the beginning of the Riddle of Stars, Ghiseslwchlohm founds the city of Lungold and its School of Wizards. He does this to control the knowledge and power of the wizards.
700 years before the beginning of the Riddle of Stars, Lungold’s destruction occurs. The remaining wizards go into hiding. The High One takes the form of a harpist who died in the fighting.
Sometime after Lungold’s destruction, the College of Caithnard is founded. Ghisteslwchlohm begins to take control over it.
600 years before the beginning of the Riddle of Stars, Oen of An conquered and annexed the kingdom of Aum. Ustin of Aum, the last king of Aum, dies in sorrow. Corrig sires Ylon with Oen’s wife. Ylon sires an heir and then jumps into the sea, killing himself. The Witch Madir lived during this time. She lived for nearly two hundred years eventually siring a child with one of the seven kings that ruled during this time. Nemir of the Pigs, a king of Hel, lived sometime during this 200 year period. Morgol Ylcorcronlth, or more simply Cron, was ruler of Herun. His harpist was named Tirundeth, or Deth. The High One takes his name and enters Ghisteslwchlohm’s service.
500 years before the beginning of the Riddle of Stars, Peven kills seven of his sons with misused wizardry and then himself in sorrow and shame. He is bound to his tower by the kings of An.
300 years before the beginning of the Riddle of Stars, Uon was a harp-maker in Hel. Sol Isig is murdered by Earth-Masters upon exiting the Cave of the Lost Ones.
Six months before the start of the series, Althol of Hed and Spring Oakland, Morgon’s parents, are murdered by Earth-Masters on a return voyage to Hed. Upon the passage of the land-rule to him, Morgon travels to Peven’s Tower and wins the Crown of Aum from him.
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